
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Difference a New Door Makes

A couple of weeks ago my handy hubby replaced our front door. The old doors were sooo ugly. They had seen full morning sun for 18 years and were seriously beginning to show some wear. Not only that, the glass was cracked and the prior owners had put clear tape over the cracks to “repair” it. Nothing says classy like clear tape on cracked glass.

Needless to say I was a wee bit embarrassed when anyone came to the front door. I mean it’s the first thing they see as they walk up and if I could have had my way, I would have blindfolded them at the driveway and led them in myself. But that seemed a little extreme so we chose to replace them. Go figure.

First of all doors are expensive. Sheesh! That’s pretty much why we’ve waited so long to do it. But my super fabulous husband patiently shopped around until he found the perfect doors at a “decent” price and then purchased them. Yay!

Now I bet you would like to see some pictures right? Because what’s a good story without pictures.

So here’s before.




Here’s the inside before. He had ripped the molding off from around the door before he remembered to take a picture.




This picture was WAY before. In fact we didn’t even own it yet. But I couldn’t find a decent picture of just the front entryway.

10-28-10 house pics 010

And the final after.


Major difference right?

Now I’m no longer embarrassed of my front door. I am however embarrassed at the dead plants I have in the pots by the front door, but that’s a whole nother story. *wink*

Have a lovely day my friends.



I’m linking up with Metamorphosis Monday over at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. I love it!!! I think white looks so much better. :) BTW, my plants are all pretty dead too. Tis that time of the year...

  2. Wow...what a dramatic makeover. I'm realizing that your hubby is talented - just like you! What a dynamic pair!

  3. It's gorgeous and goes well with your color scheme! I know you have to be busting your buttons now that it looks so good!

  4. Looks great! Light & bright like everything else.

    Big I-can't-think-of-anything-clever-to-say-about-doors size hugs to you! LOL!! Love ya!


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