
Monday, November 18, 2013

Hometown Christmas Cookbook Review and Giveaway!

How fun would it be to receive this fabulous Holiday cookbook just in time to plan your festive get-togethers? I’m thinking it would be REAL fun. But before I tell you how to win, let me tell you a little about why I love this cookbook.

Hometown Christmas

First of all it has a lot of DELICIOUS recipes in it. You know the ones. The ones that your mom or grandma made this time every year. The ones that drew you in from outside because of the tantalizing aroma coming from the kitchen. Yeah, those ones.

Just the Table of Contents got me all excited.

  • Breakfast with Santa
  • Sledding Party Warmers
  • Old-Fashioned Christmas Dinner
  • Open House….You’re Invited!
  • Tree-Trimming Treats
  • Slow-Cooker Comfort Foods
  • Coming Home for Christmas

You see that last title? Coming Home for Christmas? That’s one of my favorite parts of this book. It doesn’t have any recipes but it does have shared memories of people just like you and me. Reading them will warm your heart and might even give you some new traditions to start this year.


Like most of the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks, this one has such great artwork and WONDERFUL tips and tricks all throughout the book. It’s worth taking the time to flip through each page to read them.

Here’s a couple just so you can see what I’m talking about.



Fun huh?

And what would a review be without a recipe to share from the book. I actually posted this recipe a few weeks ago just for this review but some of you might not have seen it yet, so here it is. Don’t worry, if you aren’t gluten free, the regular recipe is posted as well. *smile* Just click on the picture.

 But wait there’s more. If you want more recipes from this cookbook just visit the Pinterest board for it HERE!

Now I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I probably have you convinced that you would really enjoy this cookbook. Right? Right?

Well if I have, just use the Rafflecopter below for all your chances to win. And there are a lot of chances. Yay for lots of chances!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What if you don’t win? Well you can purchase this cookbook by clicking the link below.

I think this book would make a great gift.

Good luck with the giveaway!



*The link to Amazon is an affiliate link and I receive a small percentage if you purchase through it. Thank you.*



  1. Pick me, pick me!!! My favourite Christmas memory is always going to my grandma and grandpa's house 2 hours away the day before the "official" family gathering took place there. Her kitchen was always over-heated and overflowing with good things to eat by that point and because the rest of the family (at that time 'only' about 50 aunts, uncles, and cousins -- it's 3 times that number now!) wouldn't get there till the next day, I was always the first one who got to sample her signature pepper molasses cookies. Mmmm, YUM! So glad she gave that recipe to my mom!! :)

  2. My favorite Christmas memory was waking up early Christmas morning to open gifts and then start our day of cooking. I always helped my mom cook yummy things to eat and now I am the mommy that gets to make Christmas meals for my family. Even more memories to be created with my two year old son. :) I would love to try new meals with him :)

    1. Create those memories with your kids and one day they'll be looking back just as you are now. *smile*

  3. My favorite Christmas memory is when I went into labor on Christmas eve and had my sweet baby boy Christmas morning!

  4. I remember when I was a little girl, (45 years ago), on Christmas Eve, we would visit my grandmother in New York and in the middle of the night, sneak down the creaky steps and find a toy and take it back upstairs and play with it. I remember playing with the Etch-A-Sketch.

    1. It's amazing that not only smells but sounds (creaky steps) are etched in our brains. Loved this!

  5. I have been collecting Gooseberry cookbooks since I found them 12 years ago, love them and this looks like a great addition to my collection. Not only the recipes but the stories and ideas are the best.

  6. Cooking and Baking with my Mom, doing cookies for christmas

  7. My favorite Christmas memory is getting snowed in with my entire immediate family with our spouses and my child (only grandbaby at that time.) We are close and we were all together for two or three days straight without getting out of the house. We laughed a lot and cooked a lot. It was a great time!

  8. It's not exactly a "memory", but watching It's a Wonderful Life EVERY SINGLE Christmas Eve - as far back as I can remember! :-) Love that movie - LOVE the holidays!!!

  9. My favorite Christmas memory was baking with my mom. I loved testing out the cookies and sweets, licking the spoons and trying the sweets right from the oven.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Every Christmas is a special memory for me; always was and still is, even though I'm four and half decades past my childhood! I love Christmas

  12. I have so many Christmas memories, it is hard to pick just one. I do remember when I was about 7 or so, there was a knock on the door on Christmas Eve. I opened it and it was SANTA! (My brother's friend had a job as a mall Santa and my brother had him pay us a visit). Right at the time, I was questioning Santa Claus's existence...that put off the terrible realization for at least another year!

  13. My favorite Christmas memory is also still our current family tradition with my own child. Watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with the whole family, sipping hot cocoa (with marshmallows!) and munching on popcorn.

  14. Driving around town looking at Christmas lights.

  15. My favorite Christmas memories are from helping my mom cook and bake Christmas dinner. Every year, the kitchen smells take me way back. Happy Holidays! :D

  16. My favorite Christmas memory is all my Moms homemade goodies with family coming and going all day. Now my mother is gone and we live far from any family... I keep the tradition going of the goodies for my family but sadly we never receive any guests.

  17. My favorite Christmas memory is the year I realized that Dad was probably Santa but I didn't care and I was so happy that I left out cookies and that they were gone the next morning :)

  18. As a small child, waking up to the tree on Christmas Day. My mother would put up the tree and decorate it after we went to bed on Christmas Eve. She was of Eastern European origin, and the tradition was to leave the tree up until "Kings Day", January 6th, the day the Wise Men brought their gifts for the baby Jesus.

  19. My favorite cookbooks are those that include stories and tips with the recipes so this Gooseberry Patch cookbook will make fine reading while sipping a cup of hot tea. Thanks for sharing the recipe too!

  20. It is so hard to pick just favorites are Christmas Eve service at church and driving around looking at Christmas lights. I must do these every year!

  21. I love the whole Christmas atmosphere. Picking one memory is too hard to pinpoint.

  22. Me and my four other sisters would put on shows for xmas usually lip syncing to old christmas tunes......ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

  23. I would love to win this beautiful book!!

  24. Spending quality times, going on shopping trips with my grandparents! <3 RIP GMA and GPA'S

  25. Please! Jusrt love those Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks! Do have several, but not that one! Would feel like Santa came if I got this cook book!!

  26. Wish Santa would bring me this cook book!

  27. My favorite CHRISTmas memory would have to be the weekend that my parents, my grandparent, my sister & I would spend making candies to give to all the special people in our lives. We would spend the entire weekend making dozens & dozens of different kind of candies & cookies. Of course there are many more favorite holiday memories also.

  28. Oh how I would love to win this cookbook! I have loved Gooseberry Patch since their beginning. I have collect their books ever since. I had nearly 60 of their books & then lost every one of themwhen our house burned to the ground last month except for the one I had taken with me to work that day. What a great book this would be to start my collection with again!

  29. My favorite CHRISTmas memory would have to be the weekend that my parents, my grandparent, my sister & I would spend making candies to give to all the special people in our lives. We would spend the entire weekend making dozens & dozens of different kind of candies & cookies. Of course there are many more favorite holiday memories also.

  30. My favorite CHRISTmas memory would have to be the weekend that my parents, my grandparent, my sister & I would spend making candies to give to all the special people in our lives. We would spend the entire weekend making dozens & dozens of different kind of candies & cookies. Of course there are many more favorite holiday memories also.

  31. My favorite Christmas memory is a tie! Its between the year our church did a "Living Nativity" inside, complete with a donkey and a CAMEL! It was so exciting for us kids, we had been "in charge" of taping down blue tarps over the carpet, and spreading out the hay. A camel for Christmas in Maine :) My other favorite memory is sitting on the stair landing, listening to our parents and grandmother talk about how nice all the presents looked every Christmas morning- we kids were only allowed to come down the stairs after all the adults had a cup of coffee, lol!

  32. But wait... there's more - LOL! My favorite memory is each of us kids taking turns and unwrapping our presents on Christmas, in our jammies.

  33. Childhood memories of all the sights,smells and secure feelings will come back like a warm blanket around my shoulders if I can sit and read this cook book and better yet,start new traditions baking up the goodies within it's wonderfully designed covers! What a great CHRISTmas gift giveaway!

  34. Opening gifts with my sisters on Christmas day, it was a wonderful, joyous time.

  35. I would like to win this cookbook because I have a daughter and a granddaughter that are having to go gluten free

  36. My favorite Christmas memory is going to be this Christmas- so it's not a memory yet, but it will be soon. My little girl is two, my boys 8 and 12, and after a health scare I can't wait for the holidays this year to be extra memorable. Thanks for the giveaway- it's nice to have recipes for us GF folks too!

  37. my favorite christmas memory is driving around looking at lights and having a thermos full of hot soup and another with hot coca. we'd drive around and around until we'd fall asleep and my dad would carry us in and put us to bed.

  38. Looks like some great recipes in here. My favorite memories are midnight Christmas service. Always magical.

  39. My favorite memories of Christmas are spending Christmas Eve with extended family and then taking my children to the Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve.

  40. Missed the giveaway, but it looks like a great cookbook!

    Big those-bars-make-me-drool-every-time-I-see-them size hugs to you! Love ya!


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