
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Be the Best Version of You!

Who here has ever been lazy. *raises hand* There are times in my life when I’ve been lazy at housework, or cooking or even taking care of myself. Sometimes I just get plain ol’ lazy.

I recently turned 49 years old. Say what? I have a hard time saying that. It doesn’t seem real. But alas it’s true. I’ve also set a goal for myself over the course of the next year. I want to be the best version of myself before I hit 50. That’s not going to happen if I’m lazy, so I’m gonna get off my butt and get to work.

With that all said, I thought I’d see if anyone wants to join me in becoming the best version of themselves? Your version doesn’t look like my version but I’m going to share what things I do, with you and maybe you can get inspired to push a little harder each day.

This challenge is in no way limited to women my age. This push can be for anyone. I feel like we can all benefit from trying a little harder to feel good. I’m not as much about looking good as feeling good. Let’s face it, my ship has sailed. LOL! I can’t turn back the clock but I can make it tick a little slower by doing my best to take care of myself.

When I get in the habit of taking care of myself I have more energy and clearer thinking and usually end up making better choices in my life, whether that be what I eat or what I do.

In a separate post I’ll share what my day usually looks like in terms of staying active. I’ll also share some easy ideas to sneak in some extra steps during your day.

So who’s in?

Have a lovely day!



  1. I'm in. Today anyway :)))
    Agreed that it's always the time to be the best you you can be, no matter the age . . . and I have several more on you, lol.

    1. I'm so glad!! Be on the lookout for my next post showing what I typically do in a day.


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