
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Getting in Extra Steps Where You Can!

Today I just want to point out some things you can do to get in some extra steps each day. Some of them are no brainers but if you’re like me you can have a tendency to overlook these things. Being aware of our goals makes it easier.

1. Make your bed. I know that sounds crazy but my husband was actually joking around with me the other day about how many times I go back and forth making our bed. (It’s the ocd in me people) But regardless, I definitely get in some extra steps AND it makes my whole bedroom feel neatly put together. BONUS!!

2. Park further away from stores. I would do this any way. I drive a full size crew cab pick up truck and just find that it’s easier to park away from people because I like to back in a space so getting out is easier. AND when parking in Florida one looks for the trees in the parking lot to park under and they are usually further out.

3. Lose your phone. I don’t mean limit your screen time, I mean literally lose your phone. I misplace my cell phone ALL. THE. TIME. So I definitely get in extra steps just by being forgetful. Ha!

4. Walk during commercials. I especially do this when I’m watching a sport like hockey or football. I’ll walk in place during commercials.You’d be surprised how many extra steps that adds to your count. You’ll get the weird looks from your family the first couple of times but they’ll adapt to this new confident you!

Do you have any suggestions on getting extra steps in your day? Do tell!



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