
Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Virtual Ghost Town!

Yesterday I visited the ghost town that is my reading list. I wanted to see if anyone was still out here blogging. I missed blogging and I admit that I went through a time where I wanted to give up completely but managed to post here and there to keep things alive. I still blame Facebook for blogging’s demise. We’ve become an instant gratification society. But I have to admit I miss the community that made blogging great. I made some really good friends blogging and I miss that.

So as I was going through my list of people that I followed (and I literally clicked on each link) 85% of the blogs I followed hadn’t posted in over 3 years. Around 5% of the domains have been replaced with completely different people and content (not all good).  Another 5% posted, but not regularly. The only remaining 5% that posted often were blogs that have made a living out of it. And it’s not that I don’t like those blogs but I miss the personal aspect of it and these blogs are mostly sponsored posts now. *sigh*

So my question is this? Is anybody still out here blogging about life and family? I’d love to come visit you. And if you are some of the few that still read my blog, Thank You!!!

Have a wonderful day my peeps!



  1. I post about family, my dog and cat, gardening, books, and more, and enjoy our blog community. When I notice a blogger on my blog roll hasn't published in a year, I stop following. I've been blogging since 2007 and post several times a month. So, hello again!

    1. Hey Terra! I totally remember you from back in the day. Good to hear from you again. I'll have to come say hi!!

  2. I trust that I am one of those blogging friends you were talking about! Like you, I miss the way blogging used to be back in the day. I despise Facebook and don't use it anymore, and I have been so frustrated by what blogging has become that I've backed away from it too.

    Just today, though, I felt the urge to try my hand at blogging again, and while I haven't started a new blog, I thought I would visit a few of my old blog friends. That is how I found myself here. I hope you start blogging regularly again. I miss you.



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