
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Switch on Your Brain (Book Review)

First of all I bought this book, it wasn’t given to me for review.  I just like letting you all know about some of the books I read because I know I like hearing about books people have read, so here ya go!

First of all I loved the fact that she’s a Christian scientist. She was very good at taking the scientific research and lining it up with the bible. It helped put things in perspective.

This book brought out a lot of solid points on how our toxic thinking can become a habit and that we need to break that cycle and incorporate good thinking habits. She explains how our brains are always networking and changing and that we can make new pathways in order to change the way we think and process. There were definitely some good tips on how to over come this way of thinking.

With the other book I’m reading (Atomic Habits), I think it will be very useful in really helping me think about the way I process and think about things. I haven’t finished that book yet but I’m really enjoying it and will tell you about it when I’m done.

The only negative I have about this book has probably more to do about me than the actually book. She is VERY thorough on explaining how the brain works. A lot of technical, sciency stuff. It was a bit overwhelming for my noggin’ but interesting just the same.

You can take a peek inside below.

Let me know if you’ve read this book and what you thought and or got out of it. I’d love to hear.

Have a lovely day my friends.


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