
Monday, January 13, 2020


It's been almost 2 weeks since the new year rang in and I am finally at a place where I feel refreshed again. The holidays, as fun and exciting as they are, are exhausting. The party planning, dinners, shopping, decorating, undecorating etc. it's all great but still a lot of effort.

So within the first two weeks of the year I like to sit back and think about the past year and make plans for the new one. My poor hubby's birthday is right smack dab in the middle of those two weeks but I always try to make his birthday special regardless of what I'm trying to accomplish at that moment. You know, cause I love him and stuff.

Anyhoo, one of the things I ponder about every year is what do I have to offer this world? Who am I and what makes me different? I have some things stewing in my noggin' and will share soon but one thing I will share is that I love to make people laugh. I'm not going to blow your mind at my organizing skills or my cooking skills but getting people to laugh or at least giggle or smile is something I'm good at. It doesn't always come across so much in my writing because I don't know if my sense of humor is word worthy. But in real life you'll find I'm kinda of a nut. A very mature and responsible nut but a nut just the same. ;-) With that said I have two things that I want to work on this year and one of them involves a dinosaur suit and a YouTube channel. Say what? Yeah, and the other one I'll touch on in another post.

Also I finished reading the book Atomic Habits and will be sharing my thoughts in my next blog post.

What are you all pondering for the new year?
Have a lovely day!


  1. I agree with you...the holidays---even when we don't overcommit---can become exhausting. January continues that way for us, as we have 3 birthdays in a 5-day period this month. Then, mid-February finds us with another birthday, Valentine's Day, and our anniversary. After February 16th, I am ready for ordinary days!

    Causing others to laugh is a good thing! I look forward to hearing more about the dinosaur project!!


  2. I love the holidays....maybe that's why I love fall and winter so much (plus the relief from bugs and heat!). But I do find that I almost always have an emotional low for a couple of weeks afterwards. My husband and I are working on our financial plans for the year, and we are considering me returning to the workforce 😳Our daughter graduates high school and will be heading off to college in the fall..our initiation into the empty nesters club!

    1. Ooohh, sounds like big changes ahead. :-)
      Thanks for stopping by.


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