
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Ministry of Ordinary Places- Book Review

I am going great guns this year. Already two books down. Yay me! I wanted to start another one right away but I had to write this first or the books will start to combine in my noggin'.

My dear friend Patti read this book and talked about it on her blog. I knew I had to get it and I'm so glad that I did. 

Being a stay at home mom and wife for over 23 years now, I struggled with my identity for a long time. I kinda forgot who I was and what I am capable of. I didn't think God was going to be able to use me because A. I'm an introvert B. I am a homebody. (refer to point A) C. I'm all about minding my own business. BUT with that said...... When we moved off the beach 9 years ago and onto a, for the most part, quiet dead end street, He's been stirring my heart to get to know my neighbors. Now ya'll know I'm not about to go up to people's houses, knock and say, "Hi, I'm you're neighbor and God wants me to get to know you." *insert door closing quickly* So I was like, "Good luck with that God."
Rewind to last Summer. I was working out on a regular basis, inside the comfort of my own home of course. Then all of a sudden I wanted to start walking to add a little extra something to my regimen. Ya'll know that was God because it was in the middle of summer and in the 90's even at night. So I started walking in the evenings when it wasn't SO hot. Do you know when most people get off work? In the evenings. Something else you need to know about me. I'm in introvert but yet overly friendly. I'll wave to who ever is driving by. I'm kind of a freak. Anyways, everyone waved back. It became a thing. When they didn't see me for a day they would stop and ask where I was because I became quite a fixture on the street now. This opened doors for yelling hi to people when I saw them outside and so on. Fast forward to about 7 months. I have weekly conversations with some of my neighbors outside their homes now. I had one neighbor tell me that she would like to hang out with me because I make her laugh. So what started out as me just wanted to get in better shape was used by God to connect with my neighbors. I'll keep you posted with what happens in the future if you're interested.

Now all that said, this book just confirmed what this introverted goofball was feeling and knowing all along. It was the biggest confirmation of things that I've ever gotten. It may not affect you like it did me but I'm sure you'd still gain something from it if you are trying to figure out how God can use you.
I purchased my book on Christianbook. I love that website. Books are always on sale it seems and if you shop the sales or the crash and dent sales you can get brand new books for just .99.  It's worth checking out. OR you could check out your public library. Click HERE to take a look inside this book and decide for yourself if it's something you think you'd enjoy.

As always I'm not getting paid for this. I bought my own book and these are my own thoughts. *smile*
Let me know if you've read this or plan on it.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I always took you for an extrovert, simply because you are so friendly. But I am the same way. I am friendly, and I have social skills, so people tend to think I'm an extrovert. But I am definitely an introvert---I NEED my alone time. I recharge by being alone. I jokingly call myself an "extroverted introvert." Obviously, you are too!

    I'm so glad the book really spoke to you. God used it to really stir me up in the same way. We HAVE gone door-to-door, giving Christmas gifts and cards to about 10 of our closest neighbors. We still haven't established strong relationships, but we will keep on trying. This book really encouraged me that our neighborhoods are our first mission field.

    Love and hugs,


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