
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Stay Away!

 I don't know about you, but 2020 has been exhausting. Mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally. You name it, it's exhausted me. It was getting to the point that all I could talk about was what was going on in our country. All the chaos and confusion. And I'm here to tell you something, I was plum wore out! I knew I couldn't go on that way. If you feel the same way, I'm about to tell you the simple solution that has helped me over the course of this week and hopefully moving forward.

Stay away from social media and the news. The End. But seriously, it's just that simple. I haven't looked at Facebook or Instagram and I for sure don't watch the news, and you wanna know what? I started to laugh again and think about other things again. I was spending more time in the word. (super important) I felt like crafting again and decorating my home again. I basically found myself again. I'm a happy person at the core. If you've been here long enough you already know that, but I was so bogged down with all the things that I somehow lost myself in the midst. 

Now I'm not saying that everything on social media is bad. BUT! It seems that for as much good, there is as much negative and I couldn't maneuver my way around it all so I just took a complete break from it. I encourage you to do the same. Maybe for you it's once or twice a week, but I at least encourage you to do something. Stress is terrible for your health and believe me, you probably aren't missing much. So do yourself a favor and stay away. Take the break. Do the things you love. Be around the people that make you happy. Read a good book. But most importantly stay close to the Lord because He's the only way we're going to make it through to the very end. 

I love you all and I sincerely hope you are all doing well. Tell me how you've been keeping sane.




  1. I totally understand! I decided to do same thing a few weeks back. It was just too much! I'm feeling much better, too. My home has been filled with much more laughter lately and joy! Praying for you sister!

  2. You are so right! I hadn't really thought about it, but I am more "down" than "up" and I've kinda lost perspective.

  3. Kim, I totally agree with you. It's about balance. Social media is not a bad thing in itself, it just takes self moderation. Set time limits. I do this. Fifteen minutes tops. My day goes like this: Prayers/the Word, breakfast, start our daily bread, feed the critters, tend the garden, preserve for tomorrow, me time for crafting etc, prepare evening meal, another me time TV time or whatever (what can I say, I'm needy), the Word/prayer, bed.

    I scan the news as I do other social media. I let nothing sink in, but it becomes a trampoline and bounces off. Just touch base attitude. If it's really important, my friends and family call me as it should be. I use my garden time for meditation and sing praises to the Lord. The plants love it.

    I stay balanced.

    1. Oh girlfriend, you sound like you are totally balanced and being pretty productive too. ;-)
      Thanks for stopping by!!!

  4. Hi sweet friend! Oh, don't you miss the days of Homestead Blogger? I never encountered ugliness and hate there. I've been off FB for years because of the hateful comments and name-calling, and earlier this year, I backed away from blogging too. Alas, I can never stay totally away from blogging, so I have (once again) started a new blog. Come visit me if you have a chance (through my Blogger profile). For some reason, every time I'm away from blogs for awhile, some of the blogs I read fall off my blogroll, yours being one of them. So, I am "following" once again. I miss you! And I hear ya...stay away from the news. I love Tucker Carlson, but I've even had to back away from him, because the crazy things going on really stress me out. No matter what happens in November, our King is still on the throne!!



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