
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Love Thy Neighbor

Easier said then done. Am I right?

I believe now more than ever people need to know that they are thought about, cared for and loved. I’m sure we can all agree that 2020 has kinda stunk. People are feeling isolated and alone and that’s not good for anyone’s mental health.

And neighbor doesn’t necessarily mean the house next door. It can mean anyone that is put on your heart to reach out to. Even that grumpy person that never smiles when you wave to them. Especially that person. *smile*

I just thought I’d share a few easy ways to reach out to people without being a freak.

But first a quick backstory. I started walking my street just over a year ago as a means to get more exercise in. Long story short, I have gotten to know a lot of my neighbors this way. So in light of how 2020 is going I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to show God’s love to these people. To show them that not everyone is bad. Which is what you start to think if you listen to the media too long.

So here’s what I’m doing. I am crocheting little pumpkin treat bowls and making handmade cards and handing them out to a few of my neighbors that I’ve gotten to know over the course of this year.

Here’s a few that I have ready to go. I’ve already handed out one and I’m making a couple more.

Now if you don’t know now to crochet, that’s okay. Here are a few simple ideas that don’t involve being crafty at all.

  • A card and a just a cute bag of candy tied with pretty ribbon.
  • Pumpkin spice coffee and a mug
  • Special Autumn flavored tea and a mug.
  • A card with a $5.00 gift card to a nearby coffee place.
  • Or you could simply give them a nice card or even just a treat bag of candy. One or the other. 

The idea is to not overthink it and to not make it too expensive that you can’t afford to. Simple is best and I believe that even the simplest gesture will not go unappreciated. AND here’s the bonus part, it keeps YOUR mind off all the garbage that’s going on in the world and helps you focus on others, which in turn makes you feel a lot better!

So what do you say? Are you going to reach out to someone around you? Even if it’s ONE person. That one person matters.

If you do something please come back and share. If you’ve already done something please share and kudos to you! Also if you have ideas to add please do so in the comments so others can see. :-)





  1. I love this idea! I can't knit or crochet, but I can write a card and deliver it, along with a gift bag of candies. Gary and I have wanted to do a neighborhood social, with ice cream and toppings, in our front yard. Covid shattered that plan, as so many people don't want to be around others these days. Thanks for stopping by my new blog!!

  2. Yay! Here on my computer, the commenting box is up and accepting of comments! I think the problem is with my phone and Google trying to take over somehow! I'm linked to you with my yahoo account.
    Your ideas are wonderful ones and I appreciate the nudge to love my neighbor with kind gifts!


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