
Monday, December 30, 2019

Reflecting on 2019

You know, I almost didn’t write this post because it didn’t end up feeling like I wanted it to but it’s an honest reflection of the past year.

As I sat pondering what to write, my first response was to make it as uplifting and exciting as possible, but then it also seemed like that would be superficial and that didn’t feel honest. Fact is when I reflect on 2019 I honestly felt like I just coasted through. I didn’t do anything mind blowing and it wasn’t even terrible. It was just meh.

Yes of course there were some fun and happy and downright laughable moments but there were also some very personally reflective and hard moments. So if I had to wrap the whole year up in a word it would be “meh”.

Personally, I don’t want to live a “meh” year again and I think that’s why my word for the year, that I’m going to post about soon, is perfect.

So although this post ended up not being much of a reflection it was however a motivation for me for the next year.

What’s motivating you these days?

Have a lovely day friends.



  1. I love honesty in blogging!! While "everything is rosy all the time" may be what we want, it doesn't reflect reality. We all can relate to a "meh" year much more than we can a perfect and exciting year.

    In all my other blogs, I tried to always be upbeat. But I've always had the blog I recently made public, where I actually wrote what was on my heart. You see the struggles I had with becoming content where I live and with agonizing over the emptying of my nest. Being real is more important than looking great!

    So, I'm glad you shared that it wasn't a fantastic year. I also like the new blog look. Cute background! And great Scripture passage!!


    1. Thanks Patti! I just miss being real and blogging about even the ordinary. Not that I haven't been real but over the past few years I've just felt like I've got nothing to say. But we'll see how it goes. Love you girl!

  2. Looking at the past year, mine was also a "meh' year, but that isn't so bad. Previous years were filled with several surgeries. 2019 was just filled with medical checkups, which is tiring at my age. The only exciting thing happened the first week of January when my first great grandchild was born. I don't get to see him often, but he has such a happy and loving spirit, and a joy to be with. My blogging has also suffered in 2019 so hope to get back to it soon.

    1. You are so right. Definitely could have been worse. I'll take a "meh" year over a terrible year any time. And congratulations on your great grandbaby.


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