
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Word for the Year!

Well it's the beginning of a new year, a fresh start. There is just something exciting about starting over. I can't help but get excited about what's to come this year. I also get excited knowing that I can, to some capacity, have some control over it and how it goes. That's one of the reasons I like to come up with a word to focus on throughout the year. I've done it in the past a few times and it's always fun to look back and see how it affected me and my decisions. 

This year I really wanted to come up with a beautifully clever word. I've been seeing a bunch of other people's and they just seemed perfect but then I didn't want to copy them. I really wanted something that was personal to me and then it hit me, so here's my word. 
It is soooo not fancy or even beautiful but as I was thinking about how I wanted to be this year there was a clear focus on making myself a better person inside and out and so FIT was born. I even did a sort of mind mapping picture in my planner. 
I'll break it down for you how I've got it sorted out in my noggin'. 


Mentally: Do things to stay sharp.
  • Puzzles
  • Read more books
  • Games
  • Read bible daily
  • Pray often
  • Church
  • Quiet time
  • Walk outside 5-6x a week
  • Ring Fit exercise 
  • YouTube workouts
  • Eat on plan
  • Take Vitamins
  • Quit reading negative things
  • Be kind to others
  • Take my perimenopause vitamins
Try not to throw any:
  • Think before I speak
  • 10 deep breaths when feeling angry
So basically I want to be mentally fit, spiritually fit, physically fit, emotionally fit and then try not to throw a royal fit. A lot of the things listed I already do so the habits are already there but there are definitely things to improve upon. Listing them helps keep me focused on what improvements I need to make. 

How about you, do you have a word that you focus on throughout the year? Goals? Resolutions?
Do tell!


  1. I, too, love the possibilities in a new year. Yes, we can start over every single day, but there's just something almost magical about a new year.

    "Fit" is a great word, and I love that you aren't just talking about being physically fit, but about being fit in every area of your life.

    I do a word for the year, and this year, my word is "persevere." Will be writing about in the next couple days.

    You say eat "on plan." What does that mean? Are you following a special diet?

    I am so glad to see you blogging more regularly again.

    Happy new year!!

  2. Yes, I'm actually thankful for the do over of Jan. 1st. Happy Start Over, Kim

  3. I love your word! Mine is "Determined" which is all encompassing for my life. I just found your blog and am a new follower :)



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