I think I'm going to start calling this condition F-S-I for the short of flat-surface-itis! And if someone could come up with something to cure it, I'd be all over it. At this rate I'll be tackling Tuesdays for the rest of my life. It's like one vicious circle. Someone should come up with something for the rest of the days of the week like....Manage the paper Monday, Wipe it off Wednesday, Throw it out Thursday( I really need that one) and Find the flat surface Friday! Do you think it would catch on lol. Okay okay, anyway here is my tackle for Tuesday. The office desk....dun, dun, dun...........okay if you just caught what I did there I may suggest you stop reading my blog because I'm starting to rub off on you! (I'm kidding, don't stop reading lol). I'm just typing what's in the ol' noggin, whether it makes sense to anyone else , one may never know! Rabbit trailing again, sorry! I sure do use a lot a exclamation points. I'm sure that's a condition in and of itself but I can only deal with one thing at a time. So here's my challenge, again. My desk. As you can see by the delightful painting of a sea turtle on the wall this room used to belong to one of my sons, who is now sharing a room with his brother. We couldn't bare to paint over it at the time but by the looks of all the chips of paint off the wall I'm thinking I could get over that real quick. But that would be a huge tackle since we have every inch of wall and floor space pretty much covered. But don't worry if and when we do ,I'll blog about, oh yes, I'll blog about it! Here is the before picture.

Blessings my friends.

Space -the final frontier. LOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteGreat post and tackle!
You did a beautiful job on your tackle! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteWhat a job!!! I have that issue too... hubby thinks it's only clean if there's nothing on it - LOL! :)
Thanks for stopping by to visit. I have often thought that I should just get the photos on CD... but haven't done that yet. I love to scrapbook too... and keeping all those things in check is another job. ;)
Sometime I have to do the same as you just did on this Tackle it Tuesdsay. But right now, I wanted to tackle something outside! Great job, and I grabbed a cup of coffee to keep me goin'!
ReplyDeleteNice blog, stop by my Tackle it Tuesday where I tackle an outhouse, not a bathroom, but yes an outhouse!
Well my tackle was to order pictures for my photography class, find something for my grandson to do while he is here a couple more days and survive another day with little sleep. Aaauuuuhhh , I'll survive I think. But I do need to clean my desk too. Dang it!
ReplyDeleteLooks fantastic now. Good job.
Mines up now.
dun dun dun dun - thanks a lot, I'll have that in my head the rest of the day. hahahaha
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the clean up!! :)
Great job! I think I need help with my flat surfaces too - I like your daily meme idea... ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL, if only we could follow the Prime Directive when it came to FSI space...
ReplyDeleteGreat Tackle!