A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

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A little Thanksgiving Trivia about me! Like you'll have time to read it today LOL.

1. Which do you like better: cooking at your house, or going elsewhere? Ever since I got married we have had Thanksgiving at my house. I think my Mom was glad to finally pass the torch!

2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen bird? Frozen.

3. What kind of stuffing? This year I'm making completely 100% homemade. No bag no nothing! Wish me luck!

4. Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? Uh Hello? Chocolate Cream, BABY!

5. Do you believe that turkey leftovers are a curse, or the point of the whole thing? Oh man I LOVE the leftovers. I love making my Turkey soup the next day! Super yummo!

6. Which side dish would provoke a riot if you left it off the menu? Probably mashed potatoes. But this year I broke the news to my Dad that I'm straying from the plan and making Scalloped potatoes with Goat cheese. His response was, "You're making what?" You have to know my Dad. Things have been a certain way for a very long time and he doesn't like change much. Ask my friend Kathy about this.

7. Do you save the carcass to make soup or stock? Nope!

8. What do you wish you had that would make preparing Thanksgiving dinner easier? A double oven!

9. Do you get up at the crack of dawn to have dinner ready in the early afternoon, or do you eat at your normal dinner hour? We used to eat at Noon time because that's how we did it at Mom's house but a few years of that and I was like, what's so wrong with eating this for dinner, that way I'm not running around like a chicken with it's head cut off all morning. I can relax a bit more and not rush. I love it this way!

10. If you go to somebody else's house, what's your favorite dish to bring? I've never gone to someone else's house for Thanksgiving.

11. Is your cranberry sauce fresh or canned? This year I made an all fresh cranberry salad. I just found the recipe 2 days ago. I hope it's good. But before that it was canned. I loved the way it looked when it slid out of the can. I would slice it on the ridges left by the can lol.

12. What's your absolute favorite thing on the menu? I actually could fill up on the side dishes and be happy.

My Thanksgiving Wish for You:
May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious, And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off of your thighs!

Hugs to you my friends.


  1. Kim,

    What time is dinner? Happy Thanksgiving my sweet friend! Hugs to you! May your day be so blessed!

    Love ya bunches!

  2. Yum, yum, yum !!! You have made my mouth water for Mom's Thanksgiving meal. It was what I needed to kick me off this computer, into the shower and get ready to leave :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Kim to you and your family!

    May God continue to pour our His blessings on you...so many you can't keep up with all of them this next year.

  3. Great list!! Happy Thanksgiving:-)

  4. sounds delicious!
    Have a Happy Day!

  5. Kim,

    Apparently you posted somewhere about not doing the Friday Funnies and blondie here didn't see it. I posted and linked to you...sorry!

    Happy Friday, my friend!

    Hugs to you!

  6. Kim,

    Our Family wants to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving weekend!

    Sounds like you are in the trenches of shopping. Praying you make it through in one piece!

    Hugs and blessings sweet friend!

  7. That was really cute and I love the poem! We had dinner at my parents and it gets harder and harder on my mom. Even though we keep telling her to quit doing so much and let us do it. she doesn't listen. I do NOT like having Thanksgiving dinner at noon. It is just too quick, too rushed and I love to watch the Macey Day Parade in the mornings, but miss it when I have to cook and do so much in the kitchen!
    Hope your day was as good as mine. We are all sure blessed aren't we!

  8. I love all of your Thanksgiving trivia! And your Thanksgiving wish. I was too busy Wed. & Thurs running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to have the meal ready by early afternoon, so I couldn't stop by!

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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