A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's my BIRTHDAY! Yeah Me!

Well did you survive the All About Me Week? It was fun sharing a little bit about me. But I also wanted to go a step further and share something else.
Some of you may or may not know that I am adopted. Yes 39 years ago today a young lady made the ultimate loving sacrifice as she gave birth and said goodbye to her precious little girl. I can only imagine how hard it was for this 18 year old young woman to carry her sweet baby for 9 months knowing all along that she would be unable to care for it on her own, yet choosing to give me life and a chance at a better life by giving me up for adoption. I hope one day I can tell her face to face how much I appreciate what she did for me. I hope that on this day she thinks about me and smiles.
On the other hand, I want to mention the most excellent couple who prayed for months before I was even born, about adopting a baby girl. They had had 3 boys and really wanted a little girl to call their own. And even through the tragedy of losing their 16 year old son to a drunk driver 3 months before I was actually born, they pressed on toward adopting this fat, not so little baby girl with sores all over her body from being given whole milk while in foster care. I am honored to have such loving parents who took me as a baby and loved me like their own and gave me the best life that I could have asked for. The Lord had His hand on my life right from the beginning and knew that He had picked the perfect couple to raise me for His glory. I am ever so grateful for my most excellent Mom and Dad and I want to thank them for putting up with a stubborn teenager who eventually "got it" and now loves the Lord with her whole heart and is thankful for the life she was given.
Does anyone else need a tissue? Gosh, I didn't mean to get so emotional on ya! LOL.
I will now lighten it up a little with some pictures of Mwah, growing up! Enjoy.

Not sure how old I was here. I'm guessing like 1 or 2? Do you love the hair?

Me and our boxer Bruno! Age 5?
Me and our doberman Bridgette. Age around 10.
Sweet 16 right here. And yes that is a Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter frosting. My passion stems even way before this! LOL.
I'm around 17 here and thinking I am soooo cool. Oy! Whatever!
Jump ahead to around 25 years old and on top of the world because I have met my husband to be.
Fishing with my honey. Age around 28?
Let's just jump ahead 11 years and skip all the really bad pregnancy and after pregnancy photos! LOL. Here I am actually a few days ago on the beach.
So there you are! I survived it. You survived. I'm so done! Well almost. I had a blast at Debra's and will probably be forced to share about that real soon.
Love you you my sweet friends!


  1. Happy Birthday to Kim
    Happy Birthday to Kim
    Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday to Kim!
    And mannnnny more! :o)
    Hope your Big day is spent getting to go fishing-- or doing your favorite things. I really enjoy your blog!

  2. I've been waiting for your official birthday post, 'cause I wanted to be the first comment, but thank you "anonymous" for beating me to it! LOL

    Okay, clearing my throat, me-me-me-me (finding the right notes)
    Here we go:

    Happy birthday to you, blogger girl,
    Happy birthday to you, one of the funniest bloggers in the whole world,
    Happy birthday, God bless you!
    Happy birthday, to you (I hit the most awesomest high note in the world....did you hear it?)

    I think I will go fix a cup of my favorite coffee with cream this morning in honor of your special day. I wish we could share a cup together! Many, many blessings to you on this day. Now go do what you love today!

  3. Yes I need a tissue......What a great story...Have a great birthday!

  4. You are so cute at every age! Have a GREAT day:-)

  5. What a great post!! Happy Birthday!!

    This post was written so beautifully. You have such a beautiful personality!!!

  6. Happy, happy Birthday!
    And you won! Yay! What a great birthday present. Send me an email with you address. I'll get your magnet in the mail to you asap!

  7. Happy Birthday and I do love the hair!!! How many dogs did you all have?


  8. Awww!! Happy Birthday Kim!! Thank you for allowing me to be part of it, even if I don't know you, LOL.

    May God continue to bless you and your family!!

  9. Happy Birthday, Kim!!!

    I am bringing my birthday present to you and will have the honor of presenting it to my sweet, precious bloggy sister and friend in person in 6 very short days! I can't wait to get a big Florida hug from you and give you a big Arkansas hug!

    Have a wonderful birthday, my friend!

    Love you!!!

  10. Wonderful post!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!! Big you-are-as-old-as-me-now hugs to you! :)

  11. Happy Birthday my friend - I'm looking forward to celebrating your birthday yet again, tonight, yummy food and ANOTHER birthday cake! Can we stuff in more food????
    You're story made me cry - I love your parents too! :)

  12. Happy birthday Kim, I love the pictures of you, and what a beautiful story, God is so awesome.
    May He continue to bless you today and always.

  13. Happy Birthday dear friend!! So glad you made it through!! Have a great day!

  14. Happy birthday! It has been fun getting to know you this week. God bless, Jackie

  15. Kim,

    What a beautiful tribute to post today about the wonderful gift you were given twice from some very wonderful parents.

    First, the mom who gave you away instead of ending your life, gave you that precious start of something new. I love that you harbor no ill feelings towards her and I often wonder if children who are adopted do. Thanks for making that a great beginning of the story.

    Second, for your adoptive parents for picking you up and raising you up to become the wonderful person you are today.

    Happy Birthday again, and I hope all Your Dreams Come True!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  16. Happy birthday to you!!!!! Thankyou for giving us the
    gift of YOU this week and I trust and pray you have a wonderful day! Gods hand is soo on you :)
    I am sitting in the Dallas airport reading and yep crying lol but that a beautiful testimony your life has been!!

    Love you my friend! Happy Happy birthday!!

  17. Happy Birthday, Kim! What a wonderful story....happy birthday! (Oh, and I'm lovin' the 17 year old pic!):)
    Your "Yeah Me" in the title above made me think of London Tipton in Suite Life....oy vei, think I've been watching way too much Disney with my boys....anyway in the spirit of "Yeah Me!" here goes: (you'll understand if you've ever seen the show:)) The only reason I'm doing this is because I thought with your fun sense of humor, you might just get a kick out of it.:) Happy Birthday!


    "Kim from Florida's really great, really great, really great; Kim from Florida's really great and deserves the opposite of hate, which is love...." And it goes on and on.

    I love seeing all your photos. And learning a bit about you. You are awesome!

  19. Happy Birthday Kim!!! It's finally here. I enjoyed this week getting to know you better. Did you give Debra a hug from me? I'm glad you enjoyed your day with her.

  20. Happy Birthday Kim! The Lord has richly blessed you and your family!
    Have a great day today!

  21. Happy Birthday!I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!

  22. Happy Birthday, my most excellent friend. I love you!

  23. oh i did not know that!!! wow.
    ha[[y b-day!!! cute pics.
    Kathleen O.

  24. i sent a comment but forgot to put my name! oops. :D

  25. Thanks to you again for sharing such a lovely story! Glad you had a wonderful birthday!!

  26. What a great story! Happy Birthday to you :D

  27. Happy birthday, Kim!!!!! I am glad you and Debra had a lovely time. How fun!

    Loved the pictures and loved the story. I'll bet your bio mother thinks about you every day.

    When I was 19 my bf gave her baby up for adoption and it was agonizingly hard for her. But she knew she couldn't give her little girl the life she wanted her to have. So she carefully chose a musical family as she herself loved music.

    I hope you don't mind but I'd like to friend you on fb. I feel like i know you but figure you may not know me, lol! However, I keep seeing you comment on my bloggy friend's status and figured I'd do it anyway, if you don't mind.

  28. Happy birthday!!! I love your baby picture...so cute!

  29. Yay! Happy Birthday! I just got back from vacation and caught up on your all about you week! What great posts! I was totally entertained! Have a very blessed sleep my friend and my this age be full of wonderful experiences and plenty of love.

  30. Your post gave me goose bumps. Beautiful! happy Birthday dear friend who shares my day:)

  31. I loved this post. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Isn't is amazing what God can do? Very cool. Happy Belated Birthday!

  32. Happy belated birthday here on your blog! How wonderful to have this great family adopt and raise you!

  33. Oh Kim, I have been away too long! I have missed your birthday celebration. I am so sorry! I have just read all of your posts about yourself and your parties and your wonderful friends. What a week for you! I love this post especially! I liked the pics of you growing up and the one last week. You are beautiful!
    Happy Belated Birthday!


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