A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just Like the Bees and the Beavers!

That's right, I'm busy!

It's been a jam packed July, probably the funnest I've ever had. So much for me wanting to homeschool the children through the summer! LOL. That went so far out the window I may not get it back till September!

But to finish off this fun month my dear blogging friend Jennifer and her family are coming down tomorrow and are staying with us for 4 days! Woo! Hoo! I get to meet yet another wonderful blog friend in real life. We are so excited.

But with that said, I got me some things that need to get done. Oh yeah, busy day today girlies.

I'll be popping up on facebook a little here and there to take breaks but for the most part I'm going to be a busy beaver or bee, whichever you prefer! LOL

What are your plans for the weekend?



  1. How wonderful to be able to have the time with Jennifer...bet you're excited. Having just met six other blogger sisters in AZ has been a precious gift to me from the Lord.

    Love you Kim!

  2. How FUN!! July has been our 'burn the candle' on both ends and throw your cares to fun and frivolity month! Might make a long but interesting header:) I'm suppose to be starting school back August 1st-hmmmm...okay maybe I'll just say IN August and try for that! lol! I hope you have a wonderful time with Jen! Blessings:) Amanda

  3. Have a fun time my friend!! I hope you get a lot done today.

    Not too much here today - hubby and son may go do something fun while I try to get caught up. And of course, there'll be leftover cheesecake eatin' - LOL!!

    Hubby had a good bday and wants everybody to remember - 40 is the new 30! :)

    Big so-busy-you-might-forget-to-eat-chocolate hugs to you!! :)

  4. Please stop by my blog for a little something just for you today!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. I think you guys are going to have so much fun. I know Jenn is also getting to meet Debbie.

    Have lots and lots of fun, my friend!

  6. Oh So much fun! Have a blast and I am sure we will be seeing a post or two about your wonderful time together. I am excited to hear all about it!

  7. Have the best time with Jennifer. I am so jealous! Enjoy!

  8. Trust you will get everything done and do it with a song in your heart!!

    Have a wonderful time with Jennifer...The Lord is bringing together bloggers lately :)

    Love you my friend

  9. That is so exciting...have fun with Jennifer!

  10. I had great intentions of homeschooling through the summer. Once soccer started, that all went out the window. Oh well, gotta have fun while you can.

  11. Hope your week doesn't "buzz" by you too fast!
    Have a blessed visit!

  12. You busy girl!! Have a great time with your friends!! Enjoy your week!

  13. Wow; I wish I had four days with the AZ bloggers I just met face to face last week. Enjoy your time together. Maybe you two should write a blog post together?


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