A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How in the world?

Okay I did this about 10 times and I have no idea how they do it, nor do I want to know! LOL
It'll drive you crazy! Oh and your welcome!
Regifting Robin

Happy Saturday my friends!

Monday I'm going to show off some inexpensive wall decor!
See you then!


  1. It uses some sort of mathematical formula. My son had a book from the library with all sorts of "wow" your friends number "tricks." There's no "magic hocus pocus" about it.

  2. Oh she is good. I got a pair of Bunny slippers. That is too funny.

  3. What do I get for beating her? She got my first one right, but my second one WRONG. Now I feel like I outsmarted someone!!!!

  4. My kids an I did this many times and she got it right every time. That was fun!

  5. If you look at all the gifts cuff links comes up like every other number. I have seen this done before, kids are amazed and don't question it, yet adults try and figure it out.

    Ah to be a kid again and just say, WOW!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. oh my goodness!!!! That is so weird!!!

  7. Do you mind if I post that on OUR blog??? ;) it is sooo cool...

  8. I don't get how they did that. Cool! Kim, I thought you accepted my friend request on fb but I don't show you as a friend. Do you show me?

  9. Oh we do like that one! Hubby and son figured out the simple mathematical formula of how it works (too hard for MY brain!!)

    I just put up a post of strange places in Nevada - you'll have to check it out!

    Hope you are having a great weekend my friend!!

    Big I-know-what-you're-regifting-next hugs to you!! :)

  10. Hey, sweet thang! I totally missed Friday, coz a thunderstorm knocked out our phone lines all steenkin' day! And I managed to day trip til midnight yesterday! Boy, am I pooped! Just goes to show ya, it's always sumthin'. 8-]

    Hope you had a super-fab weekend! Hopefully this week will be 'normal'. HA!

    Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^

  11. I am really mesmerized by that. I get that whole "mathematical equation" thing, but how does she "know" what number you started with???? It is going to drive me crazy!


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