A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well me and the family stopped by my friend Kathy's house to drop off our dinosaur computer to her husband, who we lovingly call Dr. Mike. Becausseeee our NEW computer is being shipped out and won't be back for 2-3 WEEKS!!! Have mercy! I'll have some good posts to share about this experience I'm sure.
I didn't know what to do this morning as I was drinking my coffee! Can you picture it? Me staring at a black screen holding my coffee mug? Yeah it was really pathetic.
I called Kathy and asked her how she was doing with the world stopping and all. Cause you know in MY world nothing is happening and going on without me. Right? Right? I'm going to miss reading your blogs and keeping up with you all. You'll have to just keep me posted on the important stuff in the comments.
I will try to get to a computer as often as I can. Either Dr. Mike will have our old one up and running soon or the ladies at the library are going to know me on a first name basis. But the only thing wrong with that is the posts I want to type include pictures! *sigh*
So I'll leave you with my favorite quote from one of my favorite movies. And I quote, "In my world everyone's a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"
Chew on that for awhile and I'll see you when I see you!!!
The most dedicated blogger on the universe!
Why I think you can't go on without me I'll never know! LOL


  1. Kim,

    Love that line that if you don't get your computer up and running you will be on a first name basis with the ladies at the library!

    Oh! And the movie is Horton Hears A Who, where you got the quote from. Jim Carrey is hilarious!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. Oh, no, I hope you are back soon....

  3. Oh dear. I guess the blogosphere has come to a screeching halt then. Should I go ahead and put a message on my blog that I won't be posting anymore?? Or will anybody even be around to see it?!

    My friend, just know that if I had recently come into a lot of money, I would totally have a new conputer delivered to you!

    You need to give yourself an interesting project to work on in the meantime that you can tell us all about when you come back!

    Big don't-leave-your-laptops-unattended-anywhere-or-Kim-will-get-on-and-start-blogging hugs to you!! :)

  4. I hear ya...I would be going nuts!!

  5. Ha ha! That would be Horton Hears a Who, right?! LOVE IT!

    Hope your time passes quickly! In the mean time, you'll quickly find out how much you can get done, ha! Trust me!

  6. You are right Kim, the world does stop without your blog. I don't even know how I am typing this right now, oh my! :)

    I know that quote but I can not remember what movie it's from...please remind me!


  7. Great movie quote. I miss you! Hurry and get that dino fixed!

  8. I'll definitely be missing your posts. Hope you get a computer soon.

  9. Aww! Hope you get your computer back quickly. thanks for the great quote! Now I am going to be thinking about ponies pooping butterflies all day. LOL

  10. You're so funny! Rest assured knowing that the blogging world will indeed NOT be the same till you are back. :)

    Glad it was just your computer that got fried and that you are safe!

    We had a strike take out our air conditioner--the evening before the hottest day in Indiana this year. That's our kind of luck.

    Enjoy all your free time!!!!

  11. It is always nice to hear from you. So sorry that you will be without your computer for a few weeks. I would go crazy too.
    Hope Mike can get your old one running for a bit.


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