I am still going strong with the 31 Days to Clean Challenge. It’s really giving me a sense of accomplishment each day. I love looking back and seeing what I’ve done.
The biggest challenge for me this week was cleaning out my pantry. I have to be honest. I don’t like my pantry. It’s to deep. I didn’t even know what I had back there. So before I started cleaning it out, I put the camera back as far as I could reach and took a couple of pictures.
This is what I found.
Gee wish I had known that parchment paper was there before I went and bought a brand new roll.
Anyway I did take before and after pictures because it’s always fun to snoop in other people’s cupboards. You know you’re looking at what’s in there. Don’t lie. Ha! Ha!
BEFORE (Top Part)
BEFORE (Bottom part)
Did anyone spot the 13.5lbs of baking soda? Okay it’s probably only 12.5lbs now. LOL! Only a few of you are going to get that.
AFTER (Top part)
LOL! I’m dying over here because it really doesn’t look that much better in the picture. Oh me! Let’s see the bottom half shall we?
Okay I can see a bit of a difference there. The main thing is that I took it all out and cleaned it. I sort of had to put things back close to where they were because I was pretty used to things being in a certain place. Oh and I only had 2 outdated cans. Yay me!
The kitchen part of the challenge is done. YAY!
But like I said before it’s not all about the cleaning challenges. The matters of the heart are getting a good cleaning too. She’s making me stop and think about specific things and it’s been really good. I’m getting a lot out of this.
Thanks for sticking it out with me.

A woman on a cleaning mission!!!! You know me and my OCD with cleaning..Embrace your can of pledge( My hubby say's if they stop making plede I'll need group therapy)!!!My cup runneth over!!!
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem with my pantry ~ I wish we'd decided to go with the pull-out style cupboard, but I thought that would sacrifice too much space. But when I think about the wasted space taken up by things I've forgotten about, it probably would have been smarter to give up those few inches for the rails and rollers!! Ah well.
ReplyDeleteI didn't do my pantry this week because we've got company coming and I wanted to focus on the parts of my house that people actually SEE! I'll come back later and do this one sometime when one of the things I did this week is on the agenda.
It is such a great feeling of accomplishment though! I LOVE IT! And I love the way my home is starting to sparkle!
It looks great to me!
ReplyDeleteIt's ok if it doesn't look any better, at least you know what's in there now, right? Haha!
ReplyDeleteUm, OK...your before pic looks fabulous to me - LOL! I'm never ever gonna show you my pantry cupboard (just deep narrow cupboard in the kitchen) before pic - never.ever. :)
ReplyDeleteYou rock on all the challenges my friend!! I'm ever so far behind now so will just have to do it at my pace - just too much going on this month - haven't been home much. I'll see how much I can get done in the next couple of days to see if I think I can catch up.
Big since-you'll-be-done-in-the-31-days-and-I-won't-you-can-come-do-mine-next size hugs to you!! LOL! Love ya my sweet friend!
Ok, now I have pantry envy.... You'd better come north and help moi straighten mine out...Of course my mess was caused by a pseudo hurricane called "Boys-R-US"!!!