If you’re a blogger chances are you have a Facebook page too. I’m not talking about personal pages but ones that you can “like” if you so choose.
Well over the past couple of weeks my page has been hit with spam. Someone “suspicious” will “like” my page and then shortly after I’ll have a link on my page from them. I know there are others suffering from this as well so I thought I’d let you know how I personally am handling it.
After doing a little detective work on my page I realized there is a setting that you can limit your outreach to certain countries and since most of the spam was coming from Eastern Countries I thought I’d give it a shot.
Here’s what you do.
Go to your page and in the upper right hand corner you have “Edit Page”. Click that. This will bring up a drop down menu.
Click “Manage Permissions”.
That will bring you to this page.
Do you see where it says Country Restrictions? You can either ban certain countries (which would take forever) or you can set it to where only certain countries are allowed.
I chose to set it to where only certain countries are allowed. I know by doing this I may be cutting off a few (very few) people from over yonder but most of my readership is from North America and Australia and from what I can see so far that is not where the spam is coming from.
So as you can see below you just type in the countries you want to add and then hit save at the bottom of the page.
Now let’s control the spammers themselves. I like to keep track of my new “likers” because I can usually tell if they are spammers or not. And wouldn’t you know it, this morning I woke up and this guy had liked my page. I can tell he was a spammer because of his page. So what do you do with the people you don’t want perusing your page? Keep reading, it’s simple.
Just click on “See All” where your new likes are. If you do this regularly like I do the person in question will be close to the top of the page.
Click the X by their name.
And then check the box that says Ban Permanently and save. That’s it. I do this to any questionable persons.
I think it’s sad that I have to limit my page like that but for the sake of those that read my page I want it to be a safe place to visit.
I hope this helps those of you struggling with the same problem and feel free to Pin it to Pinterest if you think it will help others.

Have a lovely day.
Good tips! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you dear friend! This was awesome! :)
ReplyDeleteThose are good tips for folks who use Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI am having problems with a guy who keeps changing his blog ID & leaving comments with links to spam web sites. I've had to go back to moderating comments, which creates extra work for me. And pending comments will back up horribly when we got on trips & I won't have internet access available. I just wish these stupid people who quit causing heartaches for others.
Those are good tips for folks who use Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI am having problems with a guy who keeps changing his blog ID & leaving comments with links to spam web sites. I've had to go back to moderating comments, which creates extra work for me. And pending comments will back up horribly when we got on trips & I won't have internet access available. I just wish these stupid people who quit causing heartaches for others.
I found myself looking for the LIKE button, lol! I've had some strange friend requests. I usually just click 'not now' and they can't contact me again. It's a strange, sad world out there.
ReplyDeleteGood info to know friend! I haven't had that trouble yet on FB, but now I'll know what to do.
ReplyDeleteBig gotta-share-the-FB-tips-to-make-the-Facebookosphere-a-better-place size hugs to you! :D