A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Back to our regularly scheduled programming!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. My family was very blessed. God is so good! We missed my parents being here but due to all the circumstances, we knew it just wasn’t going to happen this year.
This was a stressful month for us to say the least. Moving pushed a lot of things back, like shopping, decorating and taking our annual family picture. But it gave us enough time to decide that we should start a new tradition, since we are in a new home and all. So instead of our usual spot in front of the Christmas tree, we decided to take them in front of the fire place, because we have one, and we’re pretty excited about that. We usually have this done the weekend after Thanksgiving. Well that didn’t happen this year. In fact we took these on Christmas day somewhere between opening gifts and going over to our best friends house for dinner.
Here’s the one that would have been sent out in Christmas cards had I had the time to address and mail some and had we had time to take these earlier. I know you all understand and love me anyway.
And then there were these.


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Have a blessed day my friends!


  1. LOVE the pictures.....but thats just the way I roll :)

  2. Great pictures and Merry Christmas to you.
    I love the new house! Congratulations.

  3. Oh bless your little pee-pickin heart! You crack me up!! Love the photos!! We took some silly ones too!

    I am excited you have a fireplace now :) I know it doesn't get cold there all the time but when it does you all will LOVE having one! Starting in Nov. we have a fire in the fireplace pretty much every single night!! LOL Just something so peaceful about it!

    Love you and glad we are all getting back in the bloggy swing of things ;)

  4. The fireplace is awesome! We love ours, too. Great and fun pictures!

  5. At least you had ONE that turned out OK! LOL! I am so happy that you have settled into a new home and starting new traditions!!!

  6. Looks like you had a GREAT Christmas:-)

  7. Glad you're finding your "new" normal. Though, your family sure dies have a funny interpretation of normal!!! LOL!!

  8. Love the pics!! Looks like you have a lot of fun together, as it should be.

  9. Loved all your Christmas photos! I'm sure you are loving the new home!

  10. Love the pics my friend!! And love the fireplace too - so nice!!

    Big I-can-confirm-that-those-pics-are-a-true-representation-of-how-your-family-rolls size hugs to you! Love ya!! :)

  11. You guys just crack me up! Love the fireplace!


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